Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tincidunt lorem enim, eget fringilla turpis congue vitae. Phasellus aliquam nisi ut lorem vestibulum eleifend. Nulla ut arcu non nisi congue venenatis vitae ut ante. Nam iaculis sem nec ultrices dapibus.ut ante.
We’ve gathered some resources and materials for you to browse- everything from composting to planting techniques and more. Have a question about your garden? Feel free to email us and we’ll post your question and answer here!
We’ve been working with a number of community organizations and agencies in the area-if you are interested in creating a program or project, or have any other ideas that might be interesting, please reach out to us!
©2024 Four Corners Community Farm
336 Budds Corners Road
Red Hook NY 12571
Four Corners Community Farm is not associated or connected in any way with Migliorelli Farm, LLC of Tivoli, NY